Wednesday, June 9, 2010

shark finning

Sharks have long been feared, and thought of as the ocean's fierce, indiscriminate killing machines. But sharks face threats themselves, including overfishing, and one of the most controversial fishing issues -shark finning.

Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhuman practice of hacking off sharks fins and throwing its still alive body back into the sea. The shark ether gets eatin alive by another fish or the shark just starves to death and/ or the shark will just drown ( if the shark doesn't have a constant movment then it cannot extract oxygen from the water). Shark fins are being "harvested" in ever greater numbers to feed the growing demand for shark fin soup, an asian "delicacy".

Not only finning sharks is barbaric... but their indiscriminate slaughter at an unsustainable rate is pushing many species to the brink of extinction. Since the 1970s the populations of several species have been decimated by over 95%. Due to the clandestine nature of finning, records are rarely kept of the numbers of sharks and species caught. Estimates are based on declaired imports to shark fin markets suck as hong kong and china.

Up to 100,000,000 sharks are killed each year. What do you think we should do about this?

Sharks have lived longer than when man walked this earth i think that they have every right to be on this planet more than us considering their not the ones who are killing this world for no resons at all. They just have to eat other fish to live its just how it goes for them but not us we just kill them for money and food. All because of the chines people and the hong kong people.... just because its a trodition it doesn't mean that you can just kill them to keep their trodition up and running for the heck of it.

I never tried it but ive seen pictures of shark finn soup and it really looks disgusting and not very apitizing so i would sugest not to eat it anyway. I do see why they kill sharks but i dont see what they have ever done to us well they have killed a few people but thats just because its what they do they need to eat to stay alive. Im shure those movies out their like jaws do scare people but thats not what sharks do they dont kill random people because they feel like it their actually really nice animals.... like you can swim right up to it and pet it and it wont even do anything about it because they like it. So yeh if you want to help stop shark finning just start a campain or something and do your worst against those people who are doing it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New sk8 park??

The person you would most want to notice your complains is the mayer Mayor Doug Findlater I would want to destroy the skate park in west bank and make a new one for all the kids who sk8 besides... it would make crime rates go down besause more people would have something to do everyday instead of just cousing trouble.

The thing i would do to change the skate park is that you could build a big bull on the side a bit and you could build more sets of steps with rails on them. Their also should be a half pipe for people who like to ride vert and/or want to learn how to ride vert like my self.

The rules at skate parks should be like no graffiting because im shure that everybody would want a clean sk8 park just for safty ishues like if theirs a rock and it sorta blends in with the spray paint then your just going to bail hard core but on your face just to make things worse for the person it happens to. Thier also can be like glass you might fall on so i guess no smashing glass bottles in the skate park obviosly... Besides i dont think people are that mean.

One other thing people would love is the location i think the they should move it or leave it their and just extend to it because theirs like one acres of feilds just sitting their doing nothing all around that one little area. But no one ever thinks of what they should do to that giant area of plain field that no one even walks on. So thats what i think of what the mayor should do to the sk8 park and the places around it.