Thursday, April 1, 2010


If your thinking of going to callage to have fun then read what i have to say cuzz their pretty good pranks that alot of my friends love to laff about all the time. Okay if you start drinking and stuff or what everelse makes you sleep hard in the morning and or if your living near a pool or lake of something with water in it just not like a river that can kill you from rapids and rocks n such then dont do it EVER! unless you want to kill them then its all good. K the first step is you have to get that person drunk and wail till the morning and then you have to get a floaty that has no sides to keep balence and after that you bring them out side then lay them on the raft thing or what ever you got. You place him/her but id rather pick a guy to do it to or yeh your pretty much dead before she even touches you or just move really far away and never come back ever again.
The nezt step is that you have to put them in the river so their floating and push them away and then you throw water baloons at them so they wake up or just wait till they wake up doesn't madder really then you just wait till they wake up then they just freak out and swim ashore and try to kill you pretty much. I guess its not as funny if im just wrighting a story type thingy its WAY! more funnyer if you see it in real life.
Soyeh other than that its a really good laff.


  1. haha great idea, theres not much of a beginning middle and end . I would give it 3.5/5

  2. I liked it 5/5 Gotta fix them spelling mistakes
