Wednesday, June 9, 2010

shark finning

Sharks have long been feared, and thought of as the ocean's fierce, indiscriminate killing machines. But sharks face threats themselves, including overfishing, and one of the most controversial fishing issues -shark finning.

Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhuman practice of hacking off sharks fins and throwing its still alive body back into the sea. The shark ether gets eatin alive by another fish or the shark just starves to death and/ or the shark will just drown ( if the shark doesn't have a constant movment then it cannot extract oxygen from the water). Shark fins are being "harvested" in ever greater numbers to feed the growing demand for shark fin soup, an asian "delicacy".

Not only finning sharks is barbaric... but their indiscriminate slaughter at an unsustainable rate is pushing many species to the brink of extinction. Since the 1970s the populations of several species have been decimated by over 95%. Due to the clandestine nature of finning, records are rarely kept of the numbers of sharks and species caught. Estimates are based on declaired imports to shark fin markets suck as hong kong and china.

Up to 100,000,000 sharks are killed each year. What do you think we should do about this?

Sharks have lived longer than when man walked this earth i think that they have every right to be on this planet more than us considering their not the ones who are killing this world for no resons at all. They just have to eat other fish to live its just how it goes for them but not us we just kill them for money and food. All because of the chines people and the hong kong people.... just because its a trodition it doesn't mean that you can just kill them to keep their trodition up and running for the heck of it.

I never tried it but ive seen pictures of shark finn soup and it really looks disgusting and not very apitizing so i would sugest not to eat it anyway. I do see why they kill sharks but i dont see what they have ever done to us well they have killed a few people but thats just because its what they do they need to eat to stay alive. Im shure those movies out their like jaws do scare people but thats not what sharks do they dont kill random people because they feel like it their actually really nice animals.... like you can swim right up to it and pet it and it wont even do anything about it because they like it. So yeh if you want to help stop shark finning just start a campain or something and do your worst against those people who are doing it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New sk8 park??

The person you would most want to notice your complains is the mayer Mayor Doug Findlater I would want to destroy the skate park in west bank and make a new one for all the kids who sk8 besides... it would make crime rates go down besause more people would have something to do everyday instead of just cousing trouble.

The thing i would do to change the skate park is that you could build a big bull on the side a bit and you could build more sets of steps with rails on them. Their also should be a half pipe for people who like to ride vert and/or want to learn how to ride vert like my self.

The rules at skate parks should be like no graffiting because im shure that everybody would want a clean sk8 park just for safty ishues like if theirs a rock and it sorta blends in with the spray paint then your just going to bail hard core but on your face just to make things worse for the person it happens to. Thier also can be like glass you might fall on so i guess no smashing glass bottles in the skate park obviosly... Besides i dont think people are that mean.

One other thing people would love is the location i think the they should move it or leave it their and just extend to it because theirs like one acres of feilds just sitting their doing nothing all around that one little area. But no one ever thinks of what they should do to that giant area of plain field that no one even walks on. So thats what i think of what the mayor should do to the sk8 park and the places around it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Captain troy!

It all started in space with a bunch of alians wondering what it would be like tobe pirates. They landed some place on earth. they just thot it now but they might need camoflge for the ship they build in space so no one would notice them in the water. It would be kind of weird for a ship to be on the water with a bunch of alians waking around on the deck.

The alians start to read a book on how to bea pirat and how to steel from people for no reason what so ever. After they read the book they send a alian on to the island thats al around them. The alians have found a way for them selfs to transe form them selfs into people so no one would be all like AHHHH! WHAT IS THAT THING CALL THE COPS!. KILL IT!

That would just blow their whole plan over. In the book it says that you will know that your a pirates when you do something really kid napping a poor little soul who cant protect himself from a full grown man because hes stuffing his face with candy..Well in this case a full grown alian dressed up in a pirates suit.

A few hours later the alian detects something on this cross walk type place.

'Hey you over their want a puppy or i mean candy do you like candy i think you do because your a child so you have to like candy?

'Okay' says the child exitingly.

As the child runs tward the trees the alian walks slowly tawords the fence that cuts you off from the water.

'Here you go now you injoi that candy while it lasts' says alian

The alian grabs the kids arm and swings his lantern three times so the other alians knows its him and he has a child with him. The ship fades into view so they can see it clearly. The child has no idea what is going on when hes stuffing his face with candy. As the alian ship gets to the shore they board the ship and kidnap the child who sttill has no idea whats going on yet because hes not finished the candy.

As they flu back to their home planet they had a party to congradulat that they are real pirats and that they did something bad for the first time of their life on that planet. When they got home they tryed to grab the kid but then realized that the kid couldn't breath in space so the alians throu him into space and hoped they wouldn't go to the slammer A.K.A prison. So they decided to go hid out in their new hidout.... their mom's house.

Monday, May 3, 2010

story top ten words??

It all started with a guy who calls himself hipopoponomus. He was a very greety guy who always gat what they wanted because his birthday was on the same day as christmas morning. His dad rhymnosorus is a lawyer so he gets payed a crap load of money. Hipopoponomus always got bubbles and he always gets air heads.... dont really know why he just loves to nibble air heads for some odd reason.

One year his dad Rhymnosorus asked him what he wanted to get this year for like a big present. He said that he wanted two hundred dollers worth of five cent candys his dads eyes raised in suprismet and he said nnno!
'But why not!! said hipopoponomus
'besause its 2 hundred doler on 5 cent candys thats way to musch candy your going to get sick real bad for the rest of the year if you get that much candy.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A new day at a new school:(

As i wake up around 5 o clock i am scared of whats going to hapen today at my new school. Will i get bullied? Will i not fit in? Will i not make any friends. As i think of whats going to happen i started to think if i was going to be one of those losers who sit in the corner all day everyday. I went back to sleep and had a dream about school, everybody is around me laffing because i dont know anybody but then i realized that im bigger than them and i started to bully them. It was an odd dream but it was fun while it lasted. As my alarm went of i jumped out of bed and smacked the alarm clock as i was getting ready my mom was making me french toast and lots of it.

I asked her if she wanted to come with me to find out which classes im in but she had to go help my younger brother and sister to find their classes. I started to wonder if she made me french toast to not get mad at her for when she said that o well it worked all right. I packed my bag but then realized that i dont really need a bag on the first day of school because i dont think theirs a teacher in the world who would make us do work on the first day and if they did i would just not go to that class anymore evr again in my life unless theirs a sub.

As i walked out of the door i started to shake and i was getting nervess i walked up to the school and saw a bunch of kids that were also new to the school so i stopped shaking and asked them if they wanted help or to help me find our classes and he nodded his head up and down. As we found the paper thing where our names were listed we found out that we are in the same class. I felt kinda alkward going in to the class because i still didn't know a lot of people in the class.

As the bell rang the teacher told us to sit down and make your selfs at home. He started to talk to us about what his class rules are 1 is to at least look at the teacher wle he is talking but you can choose not to listen, its just to make him feel good about him self. rule #2 is that we can listen to i pods in class whenever he is not talking to the class and if your plaing games on it if you can then you will have to get it taken away from you for ten minutes. #3 is that their should be no fighting in class unless its a really good reason for it to happen. And yeh those are the main rules and the rest what ever you think is bad then you shouldn't do it.

And then he started to ramble on about when he was a child and he knows what it feels like for the first day at school. As he talked about what happend to him i started to not be scared and i felt like i wanted to be my self rather than being shy and scared all the time.

By the end of the day i have made at least 11 friends each person from different classes. I dont remember their names but itll catch on throu out the year. After that day i wasn't scared of new schools if i be my self and not some other kid that is like the tottal opiset than me so yeh thats my story of what happend to me.

<--- This is me on the first day of school.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


their are billions of games based on pretty much everything in this world can be turned into a game. We play them every night when our parents go to sleep around 10 you can be playing them till like five in the morning. But you would have to cosious about the volume it cant be loud or to qiute it has to be just right.

run on senteces :) i think?

Exitingly i played mario in my moms room on the nintendo 64 but, something happened to me in one levle... I died by a turtle touching me.

Crying in my room i found out that i didn't even know what i was crying about in the first place so i asked my brother what i should be crying about and he said that i should be crying about the world its going to spontainiosly catch fire and kill everyone in the world but i didn't beleive him so i asked my sister and she said that i should be crying because shes the one who broke my i pod.

Loudly i played my guitar in my room as my friend was playing the drumd and the bass we made a song that my mom didn't like what so ever she says its just noise but we think that its a work in progress and its going to end beutifful.

Suprisingly i actually love my broski <--(brother) without him what would i ever acomplish in my life like really who else am i saposed to bother every day for my entire life its just like a sport for us its super fun and it puts him to sleep whenever im babysitting him it gets him really tired out really fast.

Retardedly my freind told me that he is getting train tracks today he said that i can tees him all i want because we agreed that when i get myn he can tees me all he wants but i dont really think i need them at all anyway so HA! (shhhh) tho he doesn't know.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


If your thinking of going to callage to have fun then read what i have to say cuzz their pretty good pranks that alot of my friends love to laff about all the time. Okay if you start drinking and stuff or what everelse makes you sleep hard in the morning and or if your living near a pool or lake of something with water in it just not like a river that can kill you from rapids and rocks n such then dont do it EVER! unless you want to kill them then its all good. K the first step is you have to get that person drunk and wail till the morning and then you have to get a floaty that has no sides to keep balence and after that you bring them out side then lay them on the raft thing or what ever you got. You place him/her but id rather pick a guy to do it to or yeh your pretty much dead before she even touches you or just move really far away and never come back ever again.
The nezt step is that you have to put them in the river so their floating and push them away and then you throw water baloons at them so they wake up or just wait till they wake up doesn't madder really then you just wait till they wake up then they just freak out and swim ashore and try to kill you pretty much. I guess its not as funny if im just wrighting a story type thingy its WAY! more funnyer if you see it in real life.
Soyeh other than that its a really good laff.

Friday, March 26, 2010


This whole story started in hong kong and with a man named gong chong. Well it all started when he was just a little baby some how his DNA got mixed with a snakes DNA. So now he acts like a snake and eats like one. His family was thinking of an abortion because gong was just to much to handle and plus he was like half a snake so thats just odd and awsome at the same time.
As he grew up he always thot to him self why he never gets any girl friends so he thoght to himself what he is doing wrong and if he stinks or if he just has to wait for someone to find him.

One day he went out to a party with his friends with his fancest clothes on and his best clone (AXE). When he walked in the club everybody looked at him and started laffing for some odd reason. Later that night Gong asked a girl if she wanted to dance with him but she just kept dancing and ignored him. So then he went to dance alone and talked to himself because his friends have ditched him a few minutes after they got their with him right when everybody started to laff.

He felt so bad he felt like crying in the bath room but... he didn't instead he left to a restront to eat food. But on his way their a girl saw him and huged him for some reason so Gong asked the girl he just met if she wanted to go eat with him at Wendys she said yes. Gong was so suprised that he started crying on her shoulder and asked her wha her name is she replied ( franchesco).
Gong smiled and walked to the resteront and ordered their food.

As they talked they smiled and laffed with each other Gong wanted to tell her something that he might regret his intire life that he is half snake. It took a lot of guts to tell her but he did and he was not regreting he said that because she wanted to tell him something as well that sheis half snake as well.

That was and always will be the best night of his intire life. A few years later they had kids and a nice home to raise a family so they all sat on the table and at everything hole just like snakes do in their life.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Spring Vacation

My spring break is going to be kinda boaring beacause im planning on to pawn my original X-box for money and save up as money as i can for an X-box twee 60. I wouln't have to do this if my stupid brother broke it hhhu i had a fun day that day.

What im planning to is to just do that and i guess just play mod 2 or something like that O yeh my mom has been getting really mad at me for not finding a job for like a year so im going to apply for one this spring. But the down side about that is that its like imposible to find a job in west bank its just retarded and iv applied like every store in west bank exept for the liqer storeand gas stations apparently you have to be over 19 or 18 to work at those types of places and those are the only jobs pretty much that are hiring. And some pizza stores are hiring but you have to own a car and have your licance wich really sucks hmmp! i wish 14 year olds can have thier licence at that age.... that would make my day if that was legal in british columbia.

If i do get a job its going to be sweet because when i get paid i get money and then i can buy things like candy or slushy's but im not going just spend it on that im going to buy stuff i want and need like a few sk8 boards because myn is pretty (BUNNY EARS) shreded up to little peices of wood. Well kinda i just need new trucks, barrings, wheels and risers so i dont get pressure cracks again.

The next thing i want to do is that i want to go to sk8 compititions and concerts wich are really fun by the way i got to go to the billy talent concert with a few friends in grade six. But the down side was that i didn't go to school the next day bec jordan was hereause i was like super tired. And the up side was that i had lots of fun wich is really important in life i think it just makes life easyer and less painfull as it was when you were a baby. so yeh thats what i would do if i had money:)

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Sk8er Life

When i moved into west bank from ontario it was odd looking a lot more different. In west bank their are way more gravle roads to do more activites on but in parry sound there was pretty much just dirt roads so their were less activites to do.
Anyway when i got here i saw a lot of teens my age sk8 boarding.
I then desided to hang with them to make a fresh new start i asked them if i could play with them and all that but they said that i probebly dont even sk8 board and they were right but i still tried aaand FAILED epicly.
Throu out the year i started to sk8 board every day for three years and now im better than my friends pretty much i can do tricks that famous sk8ers can do like the 180 premo flip wich is my favorit trick because it looks really cool and during the summer i entered this compitition for best trick and that trick one me in second place it would have put me in first but their was too much pressure on me so i just did the premo flip without the 180 i didnt think i would land it.
I didnt want to take the chance to lose points so i would come in like last or something but this year im going to do it because i got it nailed down now i can land it every time so im all good for that trick. So thay might put me in first this time.

When i sk8 board i usually need music so does my friend jonah hes the one who tot me how to ride the sk8 board and all the basics. Anyway me and him need music to like get us hyped up to do tricks or if your like super lazy its litteratly impossiable to land any tricks at all so thats why we listen to music so we dont be lazy or anything like that.

My top four favorit brands of sk8s are Girl, Injoi, Dark star and Zero.
I like girl the most because i like the graphics and the sk8 board tends to be really strong iv tried to snap my old Girl deck a handfull of times but it just doesn't break easly well that one didn't because it has two lairs of carbon fiber insted of ont lair so it would make it more flexable so it wont snap as easly but yeh that is and always will be my favorit sk8 board and brand i will ever love.
MY favorit sk8er is Rodney Mullen hes like my hero other than Napolian Dinomite but yeh hes my favorit because hes like a legend he made up most of the tricks ever created in the world pretty much. The top one reson why i like him is because i learned his moves... I can actually do a few of his best tricks. And i even did then less than a year wich is really good for a beginer and that was one of my BIG goals is to be better than most peple i know:)

The worst place to skate board is the sk8 park right behind johnsen betly pool one reson is that its a bad location for to be at the second reson is that it only has o few things.. A small permid, half pipe, giant stars that no one can really ride on because their is always glass in them, theirs two boxes wich i like because its good practice for oli ing its like two curvs stacked on top of each other and the other box is like four cuves stacked on each other wich is pretty high but still not high enoghf for me anymore... Yeh i pretty much got all my oli ing high skills set so im all good with them now.
My next goal in my sk8er life is to get sponsered by freeride or another good sponser wich i will try this summer. Sooo thats pretty much all in my sk8er life well not all but yeh to much fun details that you wouldn't want to know very much just me and my new expeirienses:).

Friday, February 5, 2010

Invisable Man!!

I would wonder why i am invisable because like you cant be invisable so how could it be possiable. Would it make me be like a super hero or just some rondom kid who just got lucky one day? Iv seen a few movies where an astroid falls from the sky and hits the earth then the person who finds it and touches it well yeh they get some sort of power wich would be super awsome if that could happen in reality. Sooo if I could turn invisable then i would be like invisable man and save the town or something like that and i could be like a bouncer or body gourd for all the presidents wich would be an incredable job.... well at least it would be better than being a doctor or a lawyer because your working for the govorment so you would probebly get way more money.
It would be scary because you would have to look out for terorests and people who would want to kill the presedent but i wouldn't have to worry because i would be invisable so they wouldn't se me so i could like go up behind them and karotay chop there neck and put them to sleep buuut i cant do that because i have no clue how to do that so i would need like professinal ninja traing to beat up the bad guys.
sooo yeh thats what i would do if i were invisable ... Have the best job in the world.

Monday, February 1, 2010

what makes me powerfull and non powerfull

What makes me powerfull is my sk8 board. When im on it riding at the sk8 park i feel really good about my self because im better than a lot of people i have ever known in my life and that is one thing that i have acheived in my life.... well its not the only thing but yeh. I feel powerfull because i only started to sk8 board two in a half years ago and yeh i really sucked because i couldn't even oli onto a 10 cm curve. I couldn't do most of the basic tricks on how to sk8 board but now im ten times as better. I can actually oli over tree sk8 boards stacked up on each other width wise and trust me that is pretty high. I can also do kick flips, heel flips over stuff now to... most of the times lol. I havn't broken any bones yet so that makesme feel powerfull because people usually do durring like the 5th month after they do start sk8 boarding. So that is what makes me powerfull SK8 BOARDING

What makes me not powerfull is getting into trouble with teachers and more powerfull people than me. For example last year i hung out with a lot of friends that wernt a good impression on me they got me and them in lots of trouble because we made bad choices at the wrong times. But really the only reason i really got in trouble is because i love to sk8 board on private propertys for some reason. Usually the places i like to sk8 board is the best place to sk8 board at but yeh i stopped that now it sucks when i get in trouble so i choose not to hang with those people. Thats what makes me not powerfull is me getting into trouble.